OrbitLink Consulting: News & Events

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events from our team at OrbitLink Consulting. From exciting project updates to upcoming conferences and industry events, we've got you covered. Explore our latest news and events below.

Event: Tau Beta Pi Meeting, Date(s): 23 March 2023, Type: Outreach, Description: Dr. Mason Nixon speaking engagement with the AUburn University general assembly of the Tau Beta Pi honor society. The topic of the event is "Success in Engineering".

Event: Hack-a-sat4 Competition, Date(s): 01-02 April 2023, Type: Competition, Description: OrbitLink will be participating in the annual Defcon Hack-a-sat competition. The competition is a capture-the-flag (CTF) type event with challenging satellite- and space-related problems. Contact us today if you would like to participate with OrbitLink as your sponsor, or if you would like to join our team!

Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your spacecraft control and communication goals.